
Sacred Seasons of Womanhood

The Creatrix

Your Summer and Creatrix season begins at 25 years old and continues until menstruation ceases. This season of life is aligned with the earth season of summer.  When you picture summer do you imagine trees full of leaves, flowers in full bloom, the sun high in the sky.  You are in full bloom like a beautiful garden during your summer season of life. This time of life is also aligned with the Full Moon - big and bright - shining light for others to see the way.

We also call them the Creatrix or Mothering years, because women are always creating or mothering something in this phase.  It could be a career, a business, hobbies, children, pets, home interiors. We are extremely creative during these years but there is also a significant load put upon us blocking our creativity, preventing us from reaching our full potential and causing havoc within our bodies. 

This season holds many of life's big events such as marriage, buying a home, building a career, developing a business, birthing children, caring for small children, caring for elderly relatives, the loss of loved ones, divorce and perimenopause.  We are often walking this path under nourished, over stretched, holding many people while juggling the workload at home.    Then when perimenopause arrives, what we experience has a tremendous impact on our physical and mental health.

cyclical living is the key to harmonious living

All humans are cyclical, being influenced by the circadian rhythm, however females are influenced by a second rhythm and that is the menstrual cycle.

Month after month our hormones rise and fall, which influences how we feel, how we think, our energy levels, our appetite, our capacity to support others, our need for sleep, our need for rest, our need for time alone - the list is endless.  From a very young age, usually at Menarche, we are taught to ignore this cycle and show up day after day feeling and thinking the same way. In order to do this, we have to disconnect from our cyclical nature.  But when we disconnect and ignore our innate rhythms, our body has a way of getting our attention and this could be through painful/heavy/light/long/short periods or long/short/irregular cycles.  It could be with painful ovulation, lack of cervical fluid, tender breasts, headaches/migraines, acne or your period may disappear altogether. 

If you are experiencing anything outside of the optimal healthy menstrual cycle and period range, your body is sending you a message for help.  Because our menstrual cycle can be considered our 5th vital sign - it’s an internal messaging system that lets us know when something isn’t quite right that needs to be addressed.

When we move into perimenopause we can experience many different symptoms (there are over 30 officially recognised symptoms).  Often women are on this new path while juggling a career/business, raising dependent children (who may be going through puberty and starting their own menstrual journey) and caring for older relatives.  All of which can make perimenopause and menopause more challenging.

My Wisdom & Support

This is for women looking for a deep and comprehensive approach to this life phase.   Whether you’re experiencing symptoms or not, whether you’re considering HRT or not, or simply seeking to feel more informed, my course is here to guide you every step of the way.

One-to-one Creatrix Support

If you are looking to live in alignment with your cyclical nature and/or are looking for answers to why you are experiencing menstrual cycle symptoms/challenges - my 1-2-1 holistic hormone health offering could be the answer.

The sessions are held online where I provide bespoke support shaped to your needs.

1-2-1 is an excellent way to support you on your journey to understand causes and find solutions.  We do not look at symptoms in isolation, but instead look at the full picture and what could be the root cause of the symptoms.  This is followed by some recommendations on how to move forward and possible signposting to other resources & testing. This option works really well both alongside conventional medicine or on its own.  

Creatrix Offerings


A one-off 60 minute session to help you understand your symptoms followed by suggestions on how to move forward on your healing journey

  • Review begins with you completing a comprehensive health questionnaire, which I review before the session.  

    We then meet online where I give you an overview of your symptoms, why you may be experiencing them and suggestions of how to move forward with your healing.

    • Health Questionnaire

    • Thorough review of your questionnaire before our session together (approx 2 hours)

    • 1 x 60 minute online consultation when your symptoms are explained and my suggestions are shared.

    • Email containing overview of what we discussed and my suggestions.

    • Introduction to The Menstrual Cycle ecourse

The Journey

6 month package for those who wish to receive my continued support on their journey of understanding and healing.  

  • The Journey begins with you completing my comprehensive health questionnaire, which I review before our initial consultation.  

    During our first session I give you an overview of your symptoms, why you may be experiencing them (root-causes) and set out a clear, bespoke plan of how to begin healing your symptoms.

    We meet monthly to review how things are going and what your next steps.

    • Health Questionnaire

    • Thorough review of your questionnaire and bespoke plan created before our session together (approx 3 hours)

    • 1 x 60 minute initial online consultation when your symptoms are explained and your bespoke plan is shared. 

    • 5 x 45 minutes online sessions bespoke to your needs, to review your progress & plan

    • Email containing details of what we discussed and your bespoke plan.

Preparing for Menopause

This is for women looking for a deeper and comprehensive approach to this life phase.   Whether you’re experiencing symptoms or not, whether you’re considering HRT or not, or simply seeking to feel more informed, my in-person course is here to guide you every step of the way.

  • A four week container of like minded women to explore and learn about perimenopause and menopause together in a relaxed environment.

    • Four x 2 hr sessions

    • A beautiful workbook to accompany you on this journey

    • Refreshments during the course

    • Recorded content on:

      • Movement and Mobility

      • The Importance of 

      • Pelvic floor health

      • Lymphatic drainage 

To hear more about Creatrix offerings, you can book a discovery call with me here

What People Say…

  • I worked with Nikki when I was really struggling with peri menopause symptoms. My energy was low, I was tired and I didn’t feel like me anymore. Nikki is a fountain of knowledge she is approachable compassionate and easy to work with. She explained about what was going on for me hormone wise, we looked at my diet and I made some changes with supplements and what I eat. I feel like I got me back : I lost some weight and I have more energy. An unexpected benefit is Nikki helped me give myself permission to stop being superwoman. I recognised I wasn’t able to juggle as much as I used to and have embraced doing less which has had a positive impact on my businesses and my personal life. If I hadn’t seen Nikki I think I may well have burned out : I was so overwhelmed with advise online and with podcasts I was jumping from one fad to another For holistic personalised support I can’t recommend Nikki enough

    Ruth - 1-2-1 Hormone Health Support

  • My hormonal health coaching sessions with Nikki were so insightful and empowering. Nikki helped me to really understand my cycle and how my diet and nutrition may be effecting things like how heavy my periods were and the dips in my moods. With her guidance and support I’ve made some changes to my diet and introduced some supplements that have helped me feel more in control of my cycle, more on top of it, and generally healthier in mind and body. Nikki’s knowledge is incredible but she always makes everything she shares super accessible and easy to understand. I’ve learnt about the importance of my liver function and how to rectify a leaky gut! I would highly recommend Nikki to anyone looking for a bit of a re-set, if you’re feeling like your hormones are getting the better of you, Nikki is your woman!

    Caitlin - 1-2-1 Hormone Health Support

Discover My Offerings
for the Sacred Seasons of Womanhood

The Maiden

The Spring season of your life is also known as your Maiden years.  This is from birth to 25 years old. Our maiden years are hugely influential - we are always learning often through lived experiences which can have a positive or negative impact on us. During the Earth season of spring, it is a time of new beginnings and hope which is mirrored in your Maiden years.  You are carefree as a Maiden.

Maiden Offerings

The Creatrix

The Summer season of your life is also known as your Creatrix years or Mothering years.  This is from 25 to when menstruation ceases - when we are creating, growing and nurturing many different things. It could be children, or it could be a business, a career, hobbies, pets, lifestyles.  Women are always tending to something.  Your life is in full bloom, much like nature is during summer. You are responsible as a Creatrix.

Creatrix Offerings 

The Maga

The Autumn season of your life is also known as your Maga, Wild Woman or Autumn Queen years.  This is from when menstruation ceases to 75 years old.  The harvest season of your life.  You are harvesting what you nurtured and grew in your spring and summer seasons.  You are shedding and releasing what no longer serves you - this could be people, objects, work, hobbies - anything at all. You are gathering the seeds of life and keeping them safe for the future. You are responsibly carefree as an Autumn Queen.

Maga Offerings

The Crone

The Winter season of your life is also known as your Crone years. These are the years from 75 years old to your death.  Crone translates to Crown and this is the season when you are fully in your wise years, with your crown firmly upon your head.  You are wise and all knowing.  You are carefree responsible as a Crone.


I am not a medical practitioner. I do not provide diagnosis or prescribe. I make recommendations based on my training & experience. I would always encourage a specialist or onward referral as necessary based on my assessment. I focus solely on hormonal imbalances & potential hormonal causes of presenting symptoms.  Any other potential causes of symptoms would need to be considered by a general health practitioner.  I cannot "prescribe" supplements but may make recommendations based on research & my experience for you to consider for yourself.  Supplements should be reviewed by your general practitioner to ensure that they are not in conflict with any medical issues or medications.