Womens Circles

Women have gathered in circle since the dawn of time

As my great teachers Jane Hardiwcke Collings says “we have been sitting in circle longer than we haven’t” It is sat in circle where we learnt about our bodies, our emotions, our menstrual cycles, the moon cycles, the earth seasons, pregnancy, birth, menopause and every facet of being a woman.

Wisdom shared, knowledge passed on, stories told, there was laughter & crying.  Women would hold each other through the tough and the smooth.  Elders would share their wisdom with maidens and creatrix’ passing on the seeds of life for future generations.  Women’s Circles are exceptional & sacred.  But in our recent history, the sacredness was all but destroyed and the society we now live under would rather see us pitted against one another, than united.  Women are incredibly powerful when we come together, and this power is feared which is what led to the dismantling of sisterhood.

When women come together, incredible things happen

I have been running women’s circles for a couple of years and during this time I have learnt so much from each one. 

The biggest teaching is the mirroring we do during our time together.  When a woman shares, it lands deep within her circle-sisters.  We all hear her words and can feel her story in ourselves – for we are all having the same experiences in different forms.  A wise woman once told me we are all the sides of the same diamond and our light shines through in our own unique ways.  

Sitting in a circle surrounded by women may feel like an uncomfortable prospect which is down to the sisterhood wound.  This wound was created when women were driven apart.  But when women sit in circle for the first time, there is a familiarity.  A remembering.  We are all there for the same experience - there to be seen and heard on a level not experienced before. 

The Celtic Wheel

The circles I hold follow the Celtic Wheel of the Year.  My ancestral white thread runs deep in Ireland and Scotland, and I am consciously remembering and reclaiming the ancient ways of my ancestors from those lands.  The Celtic Wheel of the Year marks the seasons through 8 festivals.  The wheel recognises that we live in a cyclical pattern of birth, growth, blossom, decay, death and rebirth, and that humans are intrinsically tied to nature.  

In 2025 I will be holding six women’s circles for the following Celtic Festivals:

Spring Equinox


Summer Solstice

Autumn Equinox


Winter Solstice

Our ancestors gathered in circles, sharing, listening, laughing, crying, planning, reflecting.  This beautiful practice was dissolved, as the patriarchal society was established.  Women gathering was seen as a threat to male control.  During the Middle Ages women turned on one another, as a survival mechanism, which was the final step in dismantling the special, and powerful, qualities of sisterhood.  Co-creating a space for women is not only needed, it is of great responsibility, which is why we must follow guidelines to ensure everyone in the circle feels respected, validated and hopefully safe. To live the healed sisterhood.

Circle Guidelines


Please respect each other’s views, stories, experiences, and voice.  Please do not interrupt another circle sister while she is speaking.



Try to remain judgement free.  We are all here for the same experience, all different but all deserving of being treated kindly, with love, and without being judged. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Be open-minded and respectful of each other. You might think differently to someone else and that is ok: we are all different.  If you notice judgement arising, make a note of it to reflect on later.  Judgment is a reflection on what is occurring inside of us.


What is said in circle, stays in circle.  Please do not share anything that a circle sister shares, outside of our circle.  This isn’t a space for gathering gossip.



All sisters who attend my circles have full sovereignty over their participation.  You can say and share as much or as little as you feel comfortable.  You are very welcome to “pass” when it is your time to speak.

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • While there will be some structure, I wish for the circle's to be flexible and fluid. 

    Circle Sisters are to arrive for the beginning.  Once the circle is open, late comers will be unable to join. 

    I will open the circle by welcoming everyone, stating my intentions for the circle and reading the circle guidelines. 

    ​We will then introduce ourselves (one at a time).​

    I will then begin sharing the knowledge I hold on the topic, before we begin the sharing circle (the time when circle sisters are invited to share what they would like.  Some circles will not have a focus topic and we will be lead by the needs of the women present (the format of this circle will include a short guided relaxation)

  • I am a certified hormone health practitioner, menstrual educator, antenatal/hypnobirthing practitioner, doula, postpartum doula and mindful breastfeeding practitioner.  I also offer Mother Blessings, Closing Ceremonies, Menarche Celebrations.

    It is important to note that while I have a level of trauma informed training, I am not a counsellor/psychologist/therapist.  I respectfully ask each person to take responsibility for what they share and to know where their edges are.  I will support you as best I can, if you feel triggered or strong emotions bubble to the surface,

  • Sitting in a circle, potentially opening-up and showing vulnerability to others can feel like a daunting prospect for many.  If this is you, and it feels right to do the following, you could spend some time sitting with that feeling.  Identifying where this feeling is coming from and why you feel the way you do.  For many of us, we have been hurt by other females – this could have been in childhood when friends or family let you down.  Or it could be more recent in your adult years.  I have experienced both childhood and adult hurt from females.  The girls/women who do the hurting are on their own journey and we cannot let them define us.  I sincerely vision creating safer spaces, free from hurt/deception, for women who wish to actively heal & live the wounds of sisterhood. I request that all circle attendees read and adhere to the circle Guidelines.  Women have too many challenges and hurdles to overcome, it is time we stand together in solidarity.

  • Yes, absolutely.  I call myself spiritually curious.  I believe all females are, but this curiosity has been oppressed.  Whether you are spiritual or not, there will be space for you at one of my circles.  What we discuss in circles may resonate with you or unlock a part of you that you didn’t know existed.  It could be the beginning of something new.

  • Each circle there will be a topic to be discussed.  I will share information I hold about the topic and then there will be space for each circle sister to share what they would like to share.

  • We sit on the floor - usually with a yoga mat, cushions and a blanket to be comfortable and warm.

  • Yes please.  I often provide light snacks at circles and it’s helpful to know who has an allergy.


  • “Nikki creates the most beautiful atmosphere during our women’s circle. She gives women a much needed space to share and learn from each other, and imparts her wisdom and ideas on an array on different topics, encouraging us all to explore ways on how to live authentically. I’ve enjoyed every single one of the circles and feel very grateful to have found her. Thank you Nikki xx”


  • “Nikki creates a safe space to be seen and heard. The women's circles she runs give us a place to talk openly, learn from one another as well as be a listening ear, all whilst Nikki holds the space and guides us based on the topic of that evening. She has curated a beautiful circle, and is incredibly informative and knowledgeable on women's history health and spirituality. If you are looking for a space filled with women who are delving into womanhood, past, present and future I would highly recommend you join us.”


  • “Attending Nikki's women's circle has been a wonderful experience, offering a supportive community where both light-hearted and deep conversations help me connect with amazing women at similar life stages. I always leave feeling more positive, having taken a couple of hours for myself from a busy work and family schedule.”


  • “I’ve been attending Nikki’s circles for nearly 2 years and they have been a real blessing to me. It’s so nice to have guided reflection time and a safe space to speak with other women. I was so vulnerable when I first started attending as I was 4 months post partum - the circles really helped me carve out some time for myself in the haze of a new baby. I always leave each circle feeling so calm and relaxed and like my cup has been refilled. Rituals with other women are magic - thank you, Nikki.”
